Sunday, December 11, 2005

Neil's favourite picture, taken by yours truely. For those that don't know, look at the sign.

Say hello to those troublesome twins Tom and Dick.

Our first gulf piccy sent in by Balsa Penis.

Now here's the first of the pictures that have been sent in. This one is by Mossy, god bless him. Can you guess who it is?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

My e-mail address.

O.K. kiddies here's my e-mail addy, but you'll have to put it in manually 'cos I don't want spam from everywhere.

joncowan13 at

Change the at to @

New photo's

Righto you lot, so I managed to update my site with photo's, but I need some from:

1: The other shift.


2: The gulf. (And I dont mean the ones on the official site)

and don't forget you can comment on any piccies I post.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Kings of rock and roll.

Burno 'hearts' bum, apparentally

No intro needed

Taxi !

Old men on the prowl !!!!!!!!!


Top o' the world

Which one is wee ben?

I thought I was the only one with that shirt!

Three fat men and Mr. X

He's awake

He's awake


Wakey wakey

Is that comfortable?

No two drinks next time..............please!!!

I don't think he's faking.

Look behind Burno!

Who brought the midget?

Who farted?

What is he doing?

Old people fighting

Ryan wants to know where the smell of biscuits is coming from.

Chris is sooooooo rrelaxed!

Down the toilet?

Mmmmmm free software Part 2

Righto, this lot doesn't cost you lot anything, and I don't get paid either.

Try looking at the world wherever you want, download Google earth.

Then for added goodness, go to Google earth hacks, and you can see the weather if you want.

Failing that, look out the window dumbass.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wanna have free calls?

I found a new program on the net the other day.

It's called Skype, and you have got to try it.

Check out Skype

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Some adverts

O.K. very commercial I know, but maybe I'll stimulate you guys enough to try going to one of these sites.

I can recommend the lik-sang site, partly because they pay me to say it, but also because they have some pretty awesome savings on computer related stuff, mainly games equipment, but give it a go you never know.

Oh, and remember it's nearly Christmas, and Dibbler wants a shiny new X-Box360................happy shopping and happy Christmas.